Our Awesome Family

Our Awesome Family

Monday, May 20, 2013

Hey Friends!

PHEW! What a week... and a half. :) -- Birthday, Birth-Mother's Day, Mother's Day, Sickness, and a Birthday!

We celebrated my birthday by going to a delish Mexican restaurant, and with a tasty dessert. Then we had a nice relaxing Mother's Day (and Birth-Mother's Day) with beautiful weather.
We had Mason's birthday party all planned out and then the poor little man got Croup! So sad. The day before his party and we had him in the doctor with a fever and a nasty cough. Unfortunately, we had to postpone his shin-dig. But yesterday, we did open some presents at home via Skype and FaceTime with the grandparents, and we ate s'more cupcakes.

Mason got this picnic table for his birthday! It even comes with an umbrella so we can take it outside. He LOVES it. He also got some new clothes, pajamas, a hat, a life jacket, some books, and a "computer" from Grandma and Grandpa. We got him his own stamp and ink pad too. He loves to get his hand stamped when we go to the gymnastics gym, so now he can stamp his own hand whenever he wants!



He is getting SO big. Sigh... time goes way too fast. We love Mason with all our hearts! He brings endless energy and joy into our home. We are so grateful to be Mason's parents.

(I promise I will upload some more pictures of Mason opening presents and eating his cupcake when I can get them off my camera.)

For now, we hope you are all happy and healthy!

Much Love!

Erin, Travis, and Big-Boy-2-Year-Old Mason!