Our Awesome Family

Our Awesome Family

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Hey Friends,

We hope you all had a nice, relaxing 3-day weekend! The weather has been so nice we decided to take advantage of it with a bike ride around the river - twice.

Mason kicked back and chilled in the bike trailer.  

We stopped at a park around the half-way mark so Mason could run around and play. This wooden bridge was kinda bouncy so Mase was jumping and jammin' out.

Mason and his "say cheese" face.
I gotta say, it was a beautiful ride. There were some really tough, steep parts; the ramps up to the bridges were particularly frightening. But I'm proud to say I pulled Mason in the bike trailer the whole 11 mile loop - both times!
We attempted to go see the movie Planes at the theater .... again, we really need to wait 4 to 5 more years before we go to the theater (I refer to my 4th of July post). Mason would rather climb the stairs and eat candy than actually watch the show. From what we did see it was a fun movie. But, lesson learned. :) Red Box it is.
Trav surprised Mason and I by taking an extra day off work! Woo Woo! (Which is why we biked the trail twice instead of just once.) It's been so nice to have Trav home and to get to spend the extra time being out-doors together as a family. Maybe once Mason is in bed Trav and I will play some video games. :)
We hope you all had a nice Labor Day weekend too. After all that biking I'm in serious need of a nap!
Much Love,
Er, Trav, & Masonator