Our Awesome Family

Our Awesome Family

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Hey Friends!

First, the adoption-update: Our background checks have finally come back from the FBI. We are waiting on a Washington State check, and then we should be in business! Once we hear back from the state, our profile will be back on the website for potential birth-parents, and hopefully an adoption!
Please keep us in your prayers, and don't be shy about telling everyone you know that we are hoping to adopt. Our caseworker has told us that the trend with adoptions now-days, is that most successful adoptions occur by word-of-mouth through friends and family. You never know when casually mentioning us as a great adoptive family can make an adoption possible. So please share our information to anyone you know. (You have my permission to share our blog address on Face Book - www.travisanderinadoption.blogspot.com).

Now for the family-fun update!

I blinked and June was GONE! How does that happen?? Well, we had some strange weather in June. It rained a lot the first 3 weeks, then it finally got nice.
But when it's June and it's too rainy to play outside, we play inside on the kitchen floor; with rice or water.... it's our version of an indoor "sand box".

Now it's HOT! It actually feels like summer. We are loving it! We went on a long-weekend trip with some good friends of ours, and we had a great time! Roasting marsh mellow for s'mores, kayaking in the lake, boating, and playing in the sand. Mason especially loved the sand and the water.

Mason thinks it's hilarious to shoot people with the squirt gun. He laughs, and laughs, and laughs! The little turkey has even camouflaged his face with sand to blend into the surrounding environment - he's a sly little hunter on the prowl.
Mason got to go on a ride on the tube with Dad! They both loved it! ... until Mason got water in his face a few too many times, then he decided he was done. :)

This is the "say cheese" face before the ride.

At night we relaxed, read The Berenstain Bears books, and played games on the iPad.

We had a lot of fun spending time together as a family, and playing with good friends. We can't wait to go again soon, we don't get to see them enough!
Now we are looking forward to a long 4th of July weekend, with BBQ and fireworks. In August we have our annual vacation with Erin's family to Bear Lake! We're so excited to see our cousins, aunts, uncles, and Grandpa & Grandma.
I will do my best to keep the pictures coming, but we might be a little bit busy having a crazy-fun summer!

We hope you are all enjoying your summer. Stay healthy, happy, and safe!

Much Love,

Travis, Erin, & Mason