Our Awesome Family

Our Awesome Family

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hello Pals!

Wow! Lots has happened since I last posted. Things have been kinda crazy around our little fam, but crazy isn't necessarily a bad thing. :)

Christmas was great! We had a ton of fun with family and friends, and playing in the FREEZING snow! We went to the Christmas Village in Ogden and checked out all the lights. Mason got his first bike! Travis was one proud papa! ;)


BIG NEWS! Travis was promoted in his company! Hooray Trav! This promotion is something he has worked very hard for, so we are all proud of him... Here's the catch... this promotion required us to move to Central Washington State.
Our goal has always been for me to be able to stay home with our kids, and this promotion makes that a reality, so we feel that this move is worth it in the long run. I am loving being home full-time with Mason, he is the best little friend a mom can have! And who knows, we may be back in Utah in a few years... we'll see what the Lord has in store. ;)

Travis had been flying back and forth between Washington and Utah from November through January. He was a real trooper. :) Right after the Super Bowl Party in February, Mason and I were able to join Trav in Washington and make the move official.
Our home in Utah sold quickly, a major blessing from our Heavenly Father!! What a relief!
We are slowly getting settled here now, we miss our family and friends deeply, but we are excited to be in Washington! We have met lots of amazing people!
Mason went to his first Hockey Game, and while he looks terrified in the picture, what you can't see is that he's sad that Walt the Wolf can't stay and play... seriously, Mase was petting the wolf.

"So what does the move mean for a second adoption?" -- I have heard that question a LOT. :)
Because we have moved to another state, our profile is currently "on hold" - that means that our profile does NOT show on the "It's About Love" website. -- First we have to make sure we have everything we need according to Washington's adoption laws. That means: new background checks, possibly new finger prints, a new "home study" (the case worker comes out to inspect our new home), a reference from our new Bishop, and an interview with our new case worker. I know it sounds like a lot, but really, this is small stuff. All the "big stuff" that we did in Utah carries over with us to Washington. So hopefully we can get this "small stuff" taken care of quickly and get our profile back up on the web for potential birth-parents to choose our family.

What's next?
We have planned a trip to Seattle in a couple of weeks! We have some friends in the area that we are looking forward to catching up with. I have never been there and I'm so excited to take Mason to the Space Needle, the Zoo, and the Aquarium! He LOVES animals! ... as you can see, he also loves to FEED the animals... his spaghetti. -- FUNNIEST kid EVER!

In May we will be celebrating Mason's 2nd Birthday! I can't believe that he's 2 already!! Time really does fly by. Even enduring the "terrible 2 tantrums," I wouldn't trade him for the world!

I truly cannot describe how much Travis and I love Mason. He is my heart, and part of that is my love for Kaylee, Mason's birth-mom, and Jake, his birth-father. Mason's sweet little smile reminds me daily that without these two courageous, selfless people, we would be with out our son. I am so grateful that they keep in contact with us! And we can't wait to see Kaylee and her family in August!

I will post new pictures after our trip to Seattle! Until then, I hope and pray that the Lord will guide you in your endeavors, that you are all happy, healthy, and safe.

Much Love,

Erin, Travis, and Mason